A recent New York Times article reviewing The Biggest Loser program revealed that most of the contestants have regained all of the weight they lost. Imagine how frustrating that must be. The contestants were watched sweating their pounds away by millions of people only to go home, go back to their old habits and gain all the weight back. Why does this happen? Why aren’t they motivated to keep the weight off?

The same is true for those who got on special diet programs like Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers. They lose the weight, stop the program and gain all the weight back and usually gain more.

Let’s look at the real meaning of the word “diet”. The Greek and Latin translation of the word diet means “way of life”. It’s not something one goes on and then stops. It’s a way of living every day. Successful and permanent weight loss occurs when one not only works on what is going into their body but they simultaneously work on what is going on inside their body and mind.

Work with me and we’ll solve your weight issues permanently. You’ll learn not only what to put into your body but you’ll also learn how crucial what you’re thinking is to losing weight and keeping it off.

Dieting is the only game where you win when you lose.
~ Karl Langerfield

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